
An aggregating, informative, and inspiring tool for all those who experience hospitalization and rehabilitation, for family members and caregivers of people with disabilities, and for health care professionals.

In partnership with Associação Novamente, based on testimonies of the ambassadors of Associação Salvador, people with disabilities, caregivers, and health professionals from hospitals with neurosurgery services and rehabilitation centers, we developed the KIT Capacita, which aims to:

  • Provide health professionals with more informative and support tools for people with disabilities and families.
  • Promote referrals to social responses;
  • Encourage social participation of people with disabilities, making their own informed choices;
  • Motivate health professionals, users and families for rehabilitation and full and effective participation and inclusion in society.

Constitution of the KIT Capacita:

  1. Flyers

* Rights of People with Disabilities and Caregivers;

* Medical Certificate of Multipurpose Disability;

* Support for People with Disabilities + Support Products;

* Testimonies.

  1. Manual for People with Motor Disabilities, by Associação Salvador
  2. Acquired Brain Injury Rehabilitation Guide, by Associação Novamente
  3. Survivor and Caregiver’s Guide, by Portugal AVC
  4. Manual “How to live with a spinal cord injury and stay healthy”, from the Centro de Medicina de Reabilitação de Alcoitão
  5. Videos with testimonies
Download HERE your KIT.
Watch a summary of the inspiring videos:

It also includes inspirational sessions, online and in-person, with informative and testimonial moments. A way to inspire and promote rehabilitation and, consequently, the full inclusion of people with disabilities in society.

Watch the inspiring session on November 24th:

This project is supported by the Instituto Nacional para a Reabilitação, I.P., Fidelidade and the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

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Faça parte desta causa!

O seu apoio é muito importante. Fazer a diferença na vida das pessoas com deficiência motora está ao seu alcance.

Conheça as diferentes formas de apoiar o trabalho da Associação Salvador e junte-se a nós na ambição de tornar Portugal mais inclusivo e acessível.

Um pequeno gesto que contribui para a inclusão!

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