
Manual for people with motor disabilities

A pioneering project in Portugal, which compiles all useful information and includes themes such as "Accessibility", "Transportation", and "Discrimination", among many others.
Acessibilities• Transportation• Discrimination

The Associação Salvador’s mission is the integration of people with disabilities in society and the improvement of their quality of life, enhancing their talents and raising awareness of equal opportunities.

Besides the attribution of support, employability projects, adapted sports, awareness raising, or accessibility initiatives, we believe in the importance of the Knowledge area, where the Manual for People with Motor Disabilities is included.

Through the experience of Salvador Mendes de Almeida, tetraplegic since the age of 16, and also through the experience and knowledge acquired over several years of operation of the Association Salvador, it became clear that it was very difficult to find the answers you are looking for among so much different information. Thus this Manual was created, a tool which compiles and aggregates all the useful information which was dispersed, such as support products, access to health care, incentives in the area of employment, adapted sports, leisure, etc., making the daily life of people with motor disability, caregivers and technicians easier.

This Manual has the support of Fidelidade and the National Institute of Rehabilitation, I.P. and will be a tool in constant evolution, with annual updates.

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